Life + Work
The quest of purpose unfolds over our lifetime. It may begin as a quiet whisper or show up as a clarion call to action. Creating a purpose-filled life is manifested one step at a time.
The path of self-realization takes form through the work of introspection, living in integrity with personal values and attending to the call of the self.
At Life + Work, our initiatives support the journey of purpose: coaching and workshops for life-work transitions, personal growth /self-development programs, professional training in psychosynthesis, and innovation projects in service of social transformation.

Life+Work, LLC
Our Initiatves

Life + Work Coaching

Psychosynthesis Coach Training & Continuing Education with The Synthesis Center, Amherst.

Psychosynthesis Institute
Professional Coach Training
Psychosynthesis Coaching
Synthesis Center San Francisco, (an initiative of LifePusWork LLC), and The Synthesis Center, Amherst, are innovators in Psychosynthesis Life Coach training, offering our global community of students and coaches, a solid foundation, along with advanced studies, in both psychosynthesis and coaching.
Psychosynthesis is a transpersonal psychology developed in the early 20th century by the Italian psychiatrist, Dr. Roberto Assagioli, that guides the creation of paths and action for purpose-filled life and work.
Our Psychosynthesis Life Coach Training program offers 120-hours of hybrid, distance learning training, providing the Psychosynthesis Life Coach (PLC) credential, in fulfillment of the maximum training hours required to apply with the Center for Credentialing and Education (CCE) to become a Board Certified Coach (BCC).
Our Team
About Us

Susan Jewkes Allen
Founder: Life Plus Work / L+W Coaching and Synthesis Center San Francisco

Didi FIrman
Director of Coach Training Synthesis Center San Francisco

Marcela Andaluz
Program Lead SCSF and Psychosynthesis Institute
Getting to What Really Matters
Resources & Inspiration
” Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion. The potential for greatness lives within each of us.”
~ WIlma Rudolph
Read about:
Where Play Happens, Change Happens: Making a Difference: Manifesting a Dream
Three Books to Inform and Inspire Life and Work Creation
Transitions, Making Sense of Life’s Changes by William Bridges
What We May Be by Piero Ferrucci
How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X Kendi
We have, on average, 28,835 days to our life…how will you live them?
Have you ever considered how the moments, days, weeks and months of your life accumulate into a lifetime?
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